RalphJ replied to the topic Lapping grit in the forum Stropping 2 years, 8 months ago
Hi Ryan,
I have tried to get through to a salesperson/technical support on the phone several times. I have not been able to talk to a real person since I made my second purchase over a year ago. I am a return customer. I have a Gen 3 Pro system. It was the most complete system when I bought it. If the Commercial System had been avai…[Read more]
RalphJ started the topic Lapping grit in the forum Stropping 2 years, 8 months ago
I’ve tried several times to contact Wicked Edge (Voicemail and email) to no avail. I have a 3000 grit stone that has a glass platen on the other side. I had purchased lapping film for the platen but have forgotten the grit for the lapping film. My next step after the film is 4 micron diamond lapping paste on a leather strop.
Anyone know the be…[Read more]
RalphJ became a registered member 2 years, 8 months ago