AlieN replied to the topic Rookie needs advise on new kit in the forum Basic Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 6 years, 12 months ago
Hi carguy4471,
I was in the same position and I went for the WE100 system. Although it is very capable, I do now crave a few of the things that the WE120 would have given, specifically the better arm adjustments. Since buying the WE100 I have spent a bit on additions and upgrades and while I haven’t added it all up, I’m pretty sure that I’ve not…[Read more]
AlieN replied to the topic Had my system a few months–but a REAL amateur in the forum Welcome Mat 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi Frank,
I’m a newbie myself, so probably in the same position as you regarding experience (though no cuts requiring ER yet…).
I received some good advice on here recently regarding uneven bevels and in my case, I think it is because the knife isn’t perfectly vertical in the old-style two-screw clamp. I also find that the second burr occurs…[Read more]
developer (ChrisB) and
AlieN are now friends 7 years, 3 months ago
AlieN replied to the topic Progress so far… in the forum Getting Started 7 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for the reply Marc. I’ll investigate the cant and see what difference that makes to the evenness of my bevels.
AlieN started the topic Progress so far… in the forum Getting Started 7 years, 3 months ago
I’ve had my Wicked Edge system for a few weeks now and the weather has turned pretty cold here in the UK (by our standards at least). Since my setup is in an unheated and drafty garage, I thought I would write about my experiences as a new user rather than get cold. Not that I couldn’t use the practice. So here are some of my thoughts on the…[Read more]
AlieN replied to the topic Shun knives in the forum Cooking 7 years, 4 months ago
Redheads, while I can’t help with the pickup, it may just be that any old microphone would do. For software, I’m also a PC guy more than Mac and I’ve used the free software Audacity for audio projects in the past with some success.
It does take a little getting used to, but I’m sure it would offer more than you would ever need in terms of…[Read more]