Eric replied to the topic undecided newby in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years ago
Sorry, It’s the Pro Pac II I have.I got the we 120 with the 800/1000 and the leather strobs 3.5/5 ( I think). I realize I have a good system, BUTT, I’ve been doing some reading on the forum and it has me second guessing myself. I believe some body used the phrase “buy once, Bleed once”. Always been a believer in that when buying my tools all my…[Read more]
Eric started the topic undecided newby in the forum Welcome Mat 5 years ago
Just purchased a we120 in the pro pac I. After reading some of these I’m wondering if I should have gotten the we130. My we 120 just came today, but i’m thinki ng of upgrading before I even use it..HELP!! I need some wisdom from some of you sharpening veterans. Thanks
Eric became a registered member 5 years ago