Thanks Guys! I really appreciate it. I just ordered the 800/1000 diamond. I guess I should have asked my question prior to ordering but I am a bit impulsive. Below are the stones that will be arriving soon.
100/200 diamond
400-600 diamond
800/1000 diamond
800/1000 chosera waterstone
1200/1600 ceramic
5/3.5 diamond balsa strops
I understand now that the diamonds will cut deeper so following up with a coarser chosera is appropriate. Does it make sense to follow 800/1000 diamond with 800/1000 chosera?
Also, I am not sure that I fully understand the Ceramic vs strop. Looking at the grit comparison chart the 1200 ceramic is the same grit size as the 5u diamond paste, 5. The 3.5u diamond paste is 3.5 while the 1600 ceramic is 2.85. What would be the progression here and why?
Thanks again!