BubsterX1 replied to the topic Wusthoff Knife Block Design in the forum Off Topic 6 years, 5 months ago
Thanks again. I found a video in the knowledgebase about finding the sweet spot. I hadn’t really pictured the idea of there being sort of a rounded horizon for the sweep of the sharpening stones, and I had been clamping onto the center of the knife. As you say, Organic, the clamp often needs to be quite a bit closer to the tip end. Not tha…[Read more]
BubsterX1 replied to the topic Wusthoff Knife Block Design in the forum Off Topic 6 years, 5 months ago
Thanks, guys, for the fast replies! This is comforting to me because I really like my wooden block apart from the positioning of the steak knives and it would be wrong to put Wusthof knives in a competitor’s block.
Now I just need to do some research to figure out why I seem to keep getting a longer bevel on the tip end compared to the heel end…[Read more]
BubsterX1 started the topic Wusthoff Knife Block Design in the forum Off Topic 6 years, 5 months ago
I just finished sharpening one of the steak knives that came with my Wusthof set. I kind of hate to put it back in the Wusthof block because the block is designed with all the kitchen knives inserted horizontally (great) but the steak knives inserted vertically with the edge down. I recognize that knives are used on wooden cutting boards and t…[Read more]
BubsterX1 became a registered member 6 years, 5 months ago