following the sharpie and using angle cube, my 154 cm mini grip seems to have a factory bevel of 19 deg. i dont know about benchmade s30v, but my spyderco s30v ppt has been a little disappointing in terms of edge retention. in my experience, my 154cm mini grip held an edge better, but just marginally. maybe it was just that angle was more obtuse. neither holds a candle to my super blue delica!
just sharpened mini grip for first time using wicked edge, but the plastic edges of the stones knock against the scales and im not able to get the last 1-2 mm of the heel of the blade. any suggestions so that i dont have to disassemble it?
razoredgeknives, i think i saw a video of yours using stones with the paddle sides shaved off which you said works well for spydercos. any regrets or reasons why i shouldnt do this? also by doing this, were u able to get your spydercos all the way to where the secondary bevel grind starts?