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Zero Tolerance 0562CF with 204P

Recent Forums Main Forum Getting Started Zero Tolerance 0562CF with 204P

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  • #28759
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    I just received this knife and it has two issues in my book. First off, it is incredibly hard to open. I’m a big guy with big hands and it was a bear to open the first few times. After about 40-50 flips it has lessened a “bit” but still not smooth like EVERY SINGLE VIDEO I WATCHED ON THE KNIFE before ordering. Do you think it’s just the detent being too stiff and needing to be broken in more or is there an adjustment I can make? What about lubricant? Can you use WD-40 on a knife like this? Or do I need something more specific to the job?

    Secondly it came pretty dull. One part of the blade will cut copy paper nicely the rest will tear it/cut it. I’ve noticed that the videos I’ve watched on this knife and from what I’ve read it seems that most people are sharpening this and the ZT 0560 anywhere from 18-22 degrees per side. Is there a reason for this? Blade shape or steel type? Anybody have this knife and if so, what angle did you set it up at?

    Thanks in advance!


    • Topics: 89
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    Hey Rick! I have heard those need time to break in, yes. If it is a ceramic detent ball, then yes to that as well. You may want to try loosening the pivot and also putting some oil in there, wd40 should work just fine.

    I don’t have any first hand experience w/ 204P but I don’t think you would have any issues going down to 15 dps, and if you do then simply throw a microbevel on it in about 10 seconds and call it a day 😉

    • Topics: 8
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    Thanks for the advice. This one comes with CTS-204P. Do you have any experience with that steel?

    • Topics: 89
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    Thanks for the advice. This one comes with CTS-204P. Do you have any experience with that steel?

    Ahh don’t know where I got Elmax! Other than sharpening no I do not. But it looks comparable to ctx-20cv and m390 from what I can tell. Should have good edge retention if they did not burn it at the factory.

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    wd40 should work just fine.

    That surprises me as I’ve heard it stressed over and over that WD-40 is not intended as a lubricant. Wouldn’t any light machine oil be a better choice?

    • Topics: 89
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    wd40 should work just fine.

    That surprises me as I’ve heard it stressed over and over that WD-40 is not intended as a lubricant. Wouldn’t any light machine oil be a better choice?[/quote]

    Probably… I was thinking that it lubes ok, everyone has it, and it does a great job protecting from moisture. It also seems to do ok (middle of the road) when speaking of lubricity, at least according to this guy who seemed pretty thorough in his testing (scroll down to the part that says “coefficient of static friction”). Personally I use frog lube as it seems to be the best when all things are averaged out, and it’s food safe =) but yes, you are probably right in that a light machine oil would work better… I just don’t know for sure, it would probably depend on the weight and quality.

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