I’ve had my Wicked Edge for almost a year and have been reading this forum a ton. I haven’t had much to add so I have just been soaking it all in. I just posted a question and saw that it was my first post. WOW! I really thought I had posted something before. I guess not.
I’ve been into knives since I can remember. I actually get it from my mom. She bought an expensive knife set when she turned 18 and got married (~1960). Her parents threw a fit at her “reckless spending” but she kept the set. She still has it today and it is still in great shape. I learned all the things NOT to do with good knives from her. Once I got fairly good with the Wicked Edge, she finally let me sharpen her set.
Over the years I have tried various sharpening techniques but I finally splurged and got the best. It suits my overly analytical, striving for perfection mind.
Thanks to all who have contributed to this sharpening system and forum. It is a great community and source of information.