So, I finally broke down and got the water stones for the Wicked Edge. Why did I waite so long to do this?! :woohoo: I got the Variable Stone Thickness Adapter, the 2K/3K stones, and the 5K/10K stones, as well as a set of balsa strops.
I broke out a few of the knives from my wifes junk knife drawer in the kitchen to play with and get adjusted to using these. The Variable stone thickness adapters make life easy, just as advertised, when switching from diamond, to stone. I found after the 1K diamond and ceramics, then going to water stones was the ticket. I must add that info is proably on this fourm somewhere, but being the goof ball that I am I chose to try things for myself. The timeing was perfect for me, after a couple of days to get the hang of them I was given a straight razor to sharpen. Normally this would be done free hand, but after looking around and seeing Clay’s video I thought why not.
What I was given to work with.

This is with just a cheap magnigying glass. the edge looked almost serrated in some areas. Then on to work.

This is after the 3K stones.

after 10K stones, and stropping at 1.0 micron on balsa, then 0.5 micron on balsa.
Since I was having so much fun with the water stones, and my poor ultratech has been abused lately, I took them to the ultratech as well.

Gotta admit, Im loveing these things. lol. Hope all is well for you folks as well.