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Updated Grit Chart, printed on a card

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  • #19471
    Joel Casto
    • Topics: 5
    • Replies: 12

    Any chance of getting the grit chart updated to include the lapping films? The pictures of the scratch patterns really help me understand what’s going to happen as I progress through the sharpening stone, film, strop sequence.

    Additionally, could the grit card be printed on heavy stock, in color. I’d be happy to pay for one and imagine others would as well.

    I’ve printed the grit chart out and it’s 4 pages. All the grits/pictures on one card would be handy to lay on the workbench while sharpening.


    • Topics: 123
    • Replies: 2940

    Any chance of getting the grit chart updated to include the lapping films? The pictures of the scratch patterns really help me understand what’s going to happen as I progress through the sharpening stone, film, strop sequence.

    Additionally, could the grit card be printed on heavy stock, in color. I’d be happy to pay for one and imagine others would as well.

    I’ve printed the grit chart out and it’s 4 pages. All the grits/pictures on one card would be handy to lay on the workbench while sharpening.


    Thanks for the suggestion. We’re in the process of migrating the site to a new platform so we’re holding off on any major edits. As soon as it’s moved over, we’ll update the grit chart and I’ll get with our graphic designer to see about a printable card.


    • Topics: 25
    • Replies: 524

    Sounds like we need an App for that. 🙂

    Grit charts, scratch patterns, personal knife database with photos integrated, links to WE website and forum, uses the iPhone built in angle finder. Might be possible if you laid it on base the accelerometer could keep count of strokes. Timer for keep track of soak time on water stones.

    I’ve been looking for a reason to learn Objective C. 😉

    • Topics: 38
    • Replies: 2098

    Clay: For your further edification, here is the spreadsheet I use to estimate grits:

    Well, I guess you can’t insert a spreadsheet. Nevermind.

    • Topics: 179
    • Replies: 2760

    Sounds like we need an App for that. 🙂

    Grit charts, scratch patterns, personal knife database with photos integrated, links to WE website and forum, uses the iPhone built in angle finder. Might be possible if you laid it on base the accelerometer could keep count of strokes. Timer for keep track of soak time on water stones.

    I’ve been looking for a reason to learn Objective C. 😉

    That’s a good idea! I’ve been looking for a reason to learn Java. You do the iOS app, I do the Android app. :ohmy:

    Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge

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