Two Big Contests
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- This topic has 40 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 05/02/2013 at 6:07 am by
11/21/2012 at 4:03 am #7468
Two Big Contests
I was generously gifted a set of Naniwa Chosera Stones by Tom Blodgett of Jende Industries and have them mounted on Wicked Edge paddles for use on the WEPS. Because I am winding down my work with knives because time and tide have taken their toll of me, I am going to give away this complete set of little used stones to some lucky winner of this Grand Prize in our contest, with any luck it may be you. But what is the contest?The first contest begins today and ends on April 30/2013. It is open to all regular members of our Wicked Edge Forum who own a WEPS. Staff of the WE and Moderators may not participate.
The object of the contest is to make a video about the WEPS showing why it is that you find this a remarkable tool. Then upload it to You Tube. The one which is judged best by a panel from the Wicked Edge, that has the best array of comments from You Tube members and which shows originality, best scripting and photography, will win the complete set of Naniwa Chosera stones. There will be a Second Prize of one of the new set of arms and degree bar developed by Clay.
If you are entering this contest please PM Clay and let him know who you are, the title of your video and when you uploaded your video. Hopefully all the videos will not be squashed together on the last day of April. Get yours up as soon as you can.
The Second Contest is open to all members(except as stated for Contest 1) whether you own a WEPS or not. It also runs until April 30, 2013. The object is to make a photo-essay about something to deal with you, your life generally regarding sharpening, your knife collection, the WEPS and Wicked Edge products or why you want to own a WEPS if you don’t have one. 500 words or less and pictures with captions. When you are done, post your effort on the Forum in the section where you think it belongs. PM me when you are done, telling me who you are, the title of your photo-essay and where you placed it. I will judge this contest and the three winners will have their essays posted on the various knife forums to encourage others to come over to the Wicked Edge.
First Prize is a Helle Temagami triple laminate carbon blade knife and sheath; the Second Prize is a Northfield Jack Leg Jackknife and the Third Prize is an Angle Cube.
We hope everyone gives this contest a try! I am looking forward to seeing all these creative ideas developed by you and I know Clay and his staff are too.
Go for it guys and gals!!Cheers
Leo11/21/2012 at 4:30 am #7470Staff of the WE and Moderators may not participate.
Dear Clay:
I don’t want to be a moderator anymore.
(j/k) 😛Nice contest Leo. Thanks for making the forum a great place!!!
11/21/2012 at 4:30 am #7471Here are a couple of pictures that might interest you:
The Northfield Jacknife which is the 2nd. prize in the Second ContestThe Helle Temagami, triple laminate carbon steel 4 inch blade and a sheath
The Third Prize is an Angle Cube and you all know what they look like.
Start work on your photo essay soon!
11/21/2012 at 7:04 am #7476Staff of the WE and Moderators may not participate.
Dear Clay:
I don’t want to be a moderator anymore.
😛 [/quote]Right. All mods collectively resign 😛
The Second Contest is open to all members(except as stated for Contest 1) whether you own a WEPS or not. It also runs until April 30, 2013. The object is to make a photo-essay about something to deal with you, your life generally regarding sharpening, your knife collection, the WEPS and Wicked Edge products or why you want to own a WEPS if you don’t have one. 500 words or less and pictures with captions.
Is this an assignment by a former teacher? 😉 Fortunately my girlfriend is allowed to enter the contest. She teaches German and loves essays. And she wanted to make an essay about how my knife hobby and the WEPS affect her life… Even more fortunately, she doesn’t like the prizes :cheer: .
Thanks Leo, great contest!
Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge
11/21/2012 at 2:05 pm #7491Thanks Leo, you rock! I probably won’t be entering the contests because I don’t have a video camera and my communication skills suck. But good luck to all the folks that do enter. 🙂
11/21/2012 at 2:24 pm #7492Just so you know, the Grand Prize consists Naniwa-Chosera Water Stones: 2- 400-600 grit paddles, 2- 800-1000 grit paddles, 2- 2000-3000 grit paddles and 2- 5000- 10,000 grit. This is a great prize to strive for since if you bought them, the full set is valued at $635.00 US.
The 2nd prize is the fine addition to the WEPS of a new set of the excellent improved arms and of course the new degree bar to go along with them. I believe there is a platform for the vise to sit on provided so everything fits just the way it should. You will receive everything you need to mount these on your standard WEPS. This prize is a $145.00 value.
These are really desirable prizes so let the video cameras begin…well maybe you should do some story-board planning first eh! 😆 LOL! What do I know?! I never made a video before.
Remember when you have uploaded your video to You Tube, PM Clay so the Wicked Edge panel can all watch your creative work and keep track of any commentary from viewers.Good luck
Leo11/23/2012 at 2:37 pm #7543BTW, if you already have an angle cube, you can have instead, either a bottle of .25 Micron Diamond Spray or a bottle of .125 Cubic Boron Nitride Spray instead. That’s the only substitution I can make. All the other prizes are as stated.
Best of luck to all.Leo
11/25/2012 at 7:56 pm #7635Bump. We need to keep this up near the top until the admin techie can find a way to keep it up there without descending.
I hope people are working on their projects already. It would be great to get some of the photo essays up anytime now and spread them out between now and April 30th.Leo
11/27/2012 at 5:55 am #7661Has anyone done a video or photo essay yet?
12/01/2012 at 6:06 am #7730Bump. This is a really great contest thought up by Leo and the prizes are excellent.
12/01/2012 at 7:52 am #7733I’m guessing there’ll be more of a response after the holidays, maybe?
12/01/2012 at 11:58 pm #7741I think I’ll be in… Glad I have 4 months to do it in though lol. Just been real busy over the holidays. I know there’s people out there who will do a lot better job than me, but I’ll give it a shot!
Is it ok if I use the mods I did to it or does it have to be “stock”? 🙂
12/02/2012 at 4:25 am #7750Leo, why not post a few links to this threat on other forums? This forum is surely the best of them all, but Bladeforums or Knifeforums may have slightly more members.
I just advertised this contest on the Dutch knife forum.
Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge
12/02/2012 at 4:41 am #7754Awesome!!!
I’ll join the second contest if I find the time.
12/02/2012 at 4:52 am #7758Time is my major factor as well. I will give it a shot if my schedule allows.
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