Clay and everyone…
Here’s the quick $20 I made tonite from a chef friend (pix attached). The pretty little 6″Kramer had a bent tip. Straightened it, reprofiled the blade, and played with strops to get a polish. The Ken Onion 8″ blade was wrecked… Nicks, dull edge, signs of bad steeling. Reprofiled it and used the same progression as I did with the Kramer.
I still need to break in the diamond plates more, but that one “lessons learned” video withe the demo of the circular stroke to prevent microchipping seems to help.
This is fun… And really relaxing in an odd kind of way. My friend will be pretty happy I think.
Thanks for the advice on this great website!
(2nd thought…. Photos later because I can’t figure out how to get them on from my iPhone)