Wow, that’s pretty impressive. One of the reasons I purchased the PPII is because I have a pretty extensive collection (about 28-29) Lie-Nielson hand planes, most are bronze and I thought I could figure out a way to sharpen the plane irons on the weps. For the irons that have a slot in the blade it was pretty easy. Just stand the blade on end (vertical)and centered in the vice. The top screw of the vice goes thru the slot of the blade to clamp and the bottom screw of the vice can either push against the plane blade or go thru the slot to push against the movable part of the vice. I’ve done several blades now and they turned out great. I had to play with the angle of the rods a little to get the right angle but with the angle cube it was easy. I’m now working on how to do blades without slots and then on to chisels. Just a FYI for any woodworkers out there.