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Tape for ceramic stones

Recent Forums Main Forum Sharpener and Accessory Maintenance Ceramic Stones Tape for ceramic stones

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  • #8095
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    I’ve never used it on WE stones, but I’ve used 3M 77 spray on other waterstones I’ve attached to aluminum blanks that were soaked (a lot), without any issues. Have you tried that?

    Fred Hermann
    • Topics: 30
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    Looks like elmers the next time one comes loose..
    I wonder if it holds because it plugs the screw void holes….

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    Looks like elmers the next time one comes loose..
    I wonder if it holds because it plugs the screw void holes….

    The times I’ve seen the ceramics come off, the tape stayed on the handles, not the stones, so I think it’s more about what will stick to those stones… I think the glue does a decent job of getting up into the pores of the stone maybe.


    Gary Crumb
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    The times I’ve seen the ceramics come off, the tape stayed on the handles, not the stones, …

    Wow, that’s completely the reverse of what I would expect. I would have thought the handles would be the issue, being what is essentially a self lubricating plastic. But if the tape isn’t staying stuck to the stones, it probably needs more “creep” in the adhesive. 3M VHB[/url] is supposed to have generous amounts and is toted as being able to replace mechanical fasteners.
    I am probably telling you something you already know, but I thought I’d throw it out there…

    Fred Hermann
    • Topics: 30
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    [/quote]The times I’ve seen the ceramics come off, the tape stayed on the handles, not the stones, so I think it’s more about what will stick to those stones… I think the glue does a decent job of getting up into the pores of the stone maybe.[/quote]

    Nice observation Clay. That is exactly what is happening. The tape stays on the paddle, not the stone. Elmers…*chuckles*

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    Tapes rely on contact to make the mechanical bond, the more uneven/unpolished the surface the less mechanical bond there will be.

    We used to use M77 to mount masks to blast granite stones and memorial markers. Then the cleanup would be with Naptha, cause that stuff didn’t want to come off the stone.

    Chances are high a good rubber cement for countertops/formica installation would work fine, you just need to bray it onto the paddle and the stone evenly, so you don’t get any humps, or off angles, when pressed together.

    Andrew Lippa
    • Topics: 3
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    After reading posts on this thread to date, it sounds like the issue is either intrinsic to the tape/plastic or due to water exposure. If the latter, do you use a specific type of Elmer’s? Unless they’ve reformulated the classic school glue, I’m pretty sure it’s water soluble…

    Thanks for your help!

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