The problem is that neither Wicked Edge, nor the web master can do anything about these spam mails.
These mails may look as if they came from Wicked Edge, but they don’t. Somebody forged the email address of the sender. It gets a bit technical, but if you look at the full email header, you can see that these mails (at least the spam I get) comes from a server at (more specifically the server and not from Wicked Edge or their hoster. It looks like it is either one of the customers of Dreamhost or somebody who hacked their servers (or even computers of one of their clients) who sends these mails.
Most likely the sender of the spam obtained our email addresses during one of the hacks of the Wicked Edge servers. (This is likely, because I have a specific email address that I only use for WEPS-related mail. All spam is sent to that mail address.)
The best thing you can do is keep your computer well secured (virus scanner, firewall, always run updates, never install software from sources you dont know, etc.) and never click on links you don’t trust.
If you’re really annoyed by the spam messages, most email clients let you create a rule that automatically deletes them. But I suspect, given the amateurish looking mails and hacks, that at least these spams will be over in a little while.