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Some silly thought of lapping film

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    [It] seems the biggest problems that i’m facing, is how to explain it to my wife for spending so much money in new sharpening stuffs…

    I think that’s a pretty common problem for those of us who are married. Hobbies can be expensive and it can be hard to get your spouse to understand.

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Martix, buy your wife a very nice, good Kitchen knife.  Then you’ll need the Wicked Edge to keep it sharp.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Martix, buy your wife a very nice, good Kitchen knife. Then you’ll need the Wicked Edge to keep it sharp.

    😀 . That’s what I did. It worked pretty well. Then again, she is usually our home cook and really loves cooking.

    Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    MarcH wrote:

    Martix, buy your wife a very nice, good Kitchen knife. Then you’ll need the Wicked Edge to keep it sharp.

    ? . That’s what I did. It worked pretty well. Then again, she is usually our home cook and really loves cooking.

    After she experiences the difference between a Wicked Edge sharply maintained knife and a dull one she should be just fine with your sharpening tool.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    That solution won’t work for me; I do all of the cooking so she almost never touches the knives. My wife decided a year ago that she didn’t want to cook anymore and hasn’t prepared a single meal for us since. When my grandmother passed away at the end of last year and I told her that I was going to travel across the country to attend the funeral the first words out of her mouth were, “What am I going to eat while you’re gone?”

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    David since you do all the cooking spending on a needed tool to maintain your knives so you’re able to cook for the wife, in my mind, just became a non-issue.  Of course buying more and more knives may diverge from the necessity factor.

    I knew that one you recently bought was too large for everyday use.  You certainly need a chef’s knife more in the 8″ range, oh, and of course a paring knife, a utility or petty knife and probably a boning knife and maybe a slicer!

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    You read my mind! Actually, I do like the 240mm size. I can cut two potatoes simultaneously. It is overkill for most uses, but fun none the less. I do need a better pairing knife and a boning knife, and I wouldn’t turn down the option to get a 210mm. I’d like something with a flatter profile. The Kanakeiro is great for rock cutting, but I find that I’m ending up with accordion cuts occasionally when push cutting.

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    A Santoku style is flatter profile. Yea, you definitely need one of those, too.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    MarcH wrote:

    Martix, buy your wife a very nice, good Kitchen knife. Then you’ll need the Wicked Edge to keep it sharp.

    . That’s what I did. It worked pretty well. Then again, she is usually our home cook and really loves cooking.

    After she experiences the difference between a Wicked Edge sharply maintained knife and a dull one she should be just fine with your sharpening tool.

    umm~~~sounds nice, my wife loves cooking as well.

    last time i use edge pro to sharpened a general kitchen knife into V-shape, maybe the angle is too low / material of that knife is good enough / need a double bevel, after a day of use she found out a little piece of metal</span> broken on the edge, looks like a good reason to get a better knife for her.

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
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    Also, you might want to learn which angle is best applied to which knife, may take some experimenting, or trial and error.  Probably better to start with a wider angle then work your way narrower till you find the best combination of narrow and durable.  You don’t want an edge you’ll have to sharpen every week.  Also, you don’t want an edge that doesn’t cut well but last forever.  I don’t mind to touch-up a knife once every month or so.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

    • Topics: 2
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    indeed,Marc. finding the best combination of narrow and durable takes time and practice, but the progress is fun for me(maybe also for peoples in here i guess )

    It reminds me long time ago when i had a working holiday visa in Australia, i got a kitchen factory jobs and cut out the bones of chicken thigh / drumstick everyday and i worked in there around 3 months.

    i worked in a night shift, the salary is base on quantities, so everyone is rush,well time is money~!

    around 13-15 mins i can finish 100 pieces of chicken thigh, so you can imagine if the knifes get dull, i’ll have a tough night

    i didn’t shoot the photos below but is the same knife / temporarily knife sharpener to do a quick slice sharpening:



    in that period i have to sharpen my knife / remove the cracked edge before i go to work, i still remember the finest stones i can get in the town is something like 120#/300# oil stones, something like this, is an unforgettable moments for me lol~



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