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Simple Green: Dissolves Adhesive

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  • #45066
    Dale Wachholz
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 27

    In my ‘welcome mat’ thread I mentioned that I have a ceramic with the stone mounted very unevenly.    Since I was going on a mini-vacation to the warm temps of Tampa for a week, I put my ceramic an a solution of mostly Simple Green to soak.  I needed to add a little water to get the level up past the tape.

    It soaked for 6 days.  Yes, Simple Green does dissolve the adhesive tape.

    How many days do you *need* to soak?    Not sure.  But 6 sure did the trick.

    So if you need to remove your stone, in my case a very brittle ceramic, Simple Green will do the trick if you can give it some time.








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    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 82
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    Mr. Dale, I’m sure you’ve already considered this.  I’d rinse the stone(s) and plastic handle(s) repeatedly to make sure all the Simple Green is gone. Then allow them to dry completely before reassembly.  It may be a good idea to dry the ceramic stone(s) in a warm oven, (225ºF),  to drive out any moisture.  Then completely cool before reassembly and gluing.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Dale Wachholz
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 27

    Good advice!

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