Morning Max…………I had the same issue on mine, and I had a local machine shop mill a hole in mine, mill and insert a stainless steel disc, that is just slightly press fitted, and removable should I ever need to change it out.
The way they made it removable was to drill a smaller hole ( like 1/16 or 1/8″ approx. ) all the way through the jaw,before milling the bigger hole to insert the stainless disc. Now, if the disc wears, I can just take a small punch, nail, etc….and drive out the damaged disc and replace as necessary. I also had them mill the hole for the disc just slightly shallower than the thickness of the disc, to give me just a tad bit more clamping power on the bigger / heavier knives.
So far, it has worked like a charm ! ( and he did it for beer and pizza….doesn’t get any better than that ) :woohoo: