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  • #49128
    Wicked Edge Sharp Knives
    • Topics: 7
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    Hi all,  I have been with WE through the journey.  I am not a pro.  I think I have purchased every vise upgrade WE offered.  I have 75 recorded knives under my belt with a couple hundred retouches associated with those knives, plus maybe 50 more that I sharpened prior to picking up the habit of recording all my sharpens.  So, not an expert but not a newbie.  I have learned some things.  1. WE stands by their product.  I have bent and broken things and they were replaced for free.  2.  It has been a journey and I am surprised at the depth one can get into with this resharpening hobby.  3. I have benefited from so much knowledge and encouragement from this forum.  4.  If you drink while you resharpen… for long enough, you will likely pay a price.  I did.  I still have all my digits but I had to swallow my pride and call my ex-wife RN because after an hour of trying, I could not stop the bleeding from the self induced puncture wound which occurred while sharpening a very long pointy carving knife.  5.  Sharpening knives is a useful skill and I have benefited from helping out my friends and family with their sharpening needs.  6.  You need to record your sharpening.  7.  You can always learn more so keep an open humble mind.  8. Sharpen as many different types of knives you can as they are all a learning experience due to they myriad of variables (ex. blade dimensions, blade profile, blade steel composition, blade condition, blade hardness, etc.).  9.  Each upgrade I have spent money on was worth it.  10.  I have learned that you can go deep into this hobby, set aside for a time (because all your knives are wicked sharp) and you can come back with the same fire in your belly to learn more as you had when you first started.

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    I’m new here, but welcome back! And thanks so much for the advice. This is a great post for a newbie like me.

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    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 82
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    Joe, welcome to the Wicked Edge Forum and sharpening community.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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