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Price List for all Leo’s knives

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  • #7893
    Leo James Mitchell
    • Topics: 64
    • Replies: 687

    I will sell my knives at the prices you see here. If I can’t sell at these prices I will just keep them or perhaps give them to some of my friends. For what the original prices were for each of these knives, these are mostly half my costs. (retail price, cost of the wood, crafting fee and shipping). So here they all are:
    ESEE Laser Strike – $95.00

    ESEE- 4 – $180.00

    ESEE -5 – $180.00

    ESEE- 6- $180.00 (discounted because of the crack in one scale)

    Bark River STS-5 – $200
    Shipping is in addition to the above. I will pay the first 10.00 of shipping.

    PM me with your interest. 😉


    • Topics: 57
    • Replies: 1505

    Thought I’d bump this up… not only is this a good deal, but on some (all?) of these knives, you’ll get a knife sharpened to what I’m guessing is a pretty outstanding level. Might be a good reference… especially if you’re new to the sharpening world. 🙂

    Leo James Mitchell
    • Topics: 64
    • Replies: 687

    Thanks Curtis!


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