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Plastic shoulders on stones

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  • #8130
    Toney Copen
    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 6


    I ran into an issue that you might want to address sometime in the future. A lot of my knives have a lip at the back of the blade. The issue is that the stones have a plastic shoulder that is wider than the actual stone. This plastic shoulder catches this lip and doesn’t allow the stone to come into contact with the very back of the blade. So essentially the back of the blade doesn’t get sharpened. To remedy this I sanded all of the shoulders down to be even with the stone. This corrected the issue. It isn’t an issue with all knives, just with knives that have the lip on the back of the blade. You might want think of offering stones without the over reaching plastic shoulders.



    • Topics: 123
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    I ran into an issue that you might want to address sometime in the future. A lot of my knives have a lip at the back of the blade. The issue is that the stones have a plastic shoulder that is wider than the actual stone. This plastic shoulder catches this lip and doesn’t allow the stone to come into contact with the very back of the blade. So essentially the back of the blade doesn’t get sharpened. To remedy this I sanded all of the shoulders down to be even with the stone. This corrected the issue. It isn’t an issue with all knives, just with knives that have the lip on the back of the blade. You might want think of offering stones without the over reaching plastic shoulders.


    Hey Toney,

    I know just what you mean. I like the wider lip to protect people’s fingers, but a taller stone would do the trick too.


    Toney Copen
    • Topics: 3
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    That would be the ticket. Thanks for the quick response.

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    I like taller stones as it allows working more easily in curved areas.

    Toney Copen
    • Topics: 3
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    I’m all for it. I’ll be waiting for their release.

    • Topics: 123
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    I’m not trying to push them, but the Choseras are taller already and are great for the Spydercos and such as well as curvy blades.


    Toney Copen
    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 6


    I hear you Clay. I’ll just stick with sanding for now, it works just fine. I will say that sanding the lips off of eight sets of stones does take quite some time. It took me a good part of the night to finish the sanding job, lol, but well worth it B) .

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    I used a dremel tool and removed the plastic lip on my diamond stones and my strops, problem solved.

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