Although I can’t get out and about in the wilds due to health reasons, I try to teach my grandson Owen some skills in the back-yard so he will be a knowledgeable woodsman some day.
I taught Owen how to build a fire using a fire-steel…the other day we decided to try and roast some marsh mellows so his Auntie Dar could see how well he could build a fire and so she could have a roasted marsh mellow, she really loves them. The weather did not co-operate as it began to rain, again. We tried it during a break in the rain, but the wood was a little wet and the rain started again in earnest so we showed off his fire starting skills (used some paper too) and left it at that. To get the little fire going we used the Bark River Gunny knife to shave off some slivers of wood as easy combustibles along with some dryer-lint as starter for the fire.
Owen and I getting the fire started.
You can see the Gunny better in this shot…lower right close to my hand. Owen is only eight so I do the shaving of the wood but he knows it will be his first knife in a few years.

If you look carefully, you can also see my bald spot! Sigh! LOL!
Owen’s fire wasn’t letter perfect , but is a whole lot better than the first one he built. He has to learn and understand about fire and its need for air circulation to blossom it out. More small combustibles and a higher peak to the tent of kindling Owen!
Come on and post your experiences with a knife! The WEPS gets them sharp so they baton or make fuzz-sticks well and more safely.