Hi Guys,
This is my first post. I received my wicked edge system in the mail today. Shortly after sharpening my first knife,a ktchen knife at 15 degrees I realized I had an issue. Although coming out extremely sharp, my bevels were uneven. The bevel on the right side of the knife (the one that i would sharpened with my right hand) was much larger then the one on the left. This despite both being sharpened at 15 degrees per side. I attempted to sharpen my second knife and had the same problem.Can someone tell me what i might be doing wrong?:huh:
Several things that might be possible:
-could the edges have been off in the first place and now they are more noticeable
-did you double check the settings of the angles…it is possible that you could be off a degree or so if your adjustment wasn’t set with your eyes at the same level and in the same light on both sides
-the dimples could be off if the angle bar was not installed properly…not likely but possible.The dimples could be off in any case by +/- a half a degree or less.
-finally , did the adjustment on the right slip out of the stop-dimple while you were working
Many of us who strive for almost fanatical accuracy, buy a digital angle cube to check angle settings so we know with more certainty that each side is set the same and at the correct angle. These electronic protractors are excellent aids and are inexpensive…look here on Amazon.com

Some users also try to eliminate any slight difference caused by the stop-dimples, reverse the collars on the bar and tighten the screws without the use of the dimples…we have even gone so far as to use loctite to keep the set screws tightly in place. See the post I put up on Purple Loctite.
I hope this helps. Maybe others can make other suggestions.
Best regards