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    I thought I would introduce myself to the Wicked Edge community. I live in Southern California and have a wife and two kids. I have been sharpening knives for about 25 years using wet stones. I worked as a butcher for 5 years when I was younger, and learned from an old time butcher. Sharpening a good knife with a wet stone is truly an art, when done well. Over the years, I have learned to get very good results, but there is a problem. I just don’t have the extra time right now to spend with a knife and a wet stone. My kids take up most of my time with their activities, and that’s fine. However, over the years though, my knifes have gotten dull, to my extreme irritation and, to be honest, embarrassment.

    I looked online and on YouTube for different sharpening systems and I found the Wicked Edge.  For me, it came down to the Wicked Edge or the Edge Pro. I choose the Wicked Edge for three main reasons:


    • It was the only quality system out there that lets you use both hands at once, saving a lot of time. One can argue, about half the time.
    • The advantage of not having to level a wet stone over repeated use is another time saver. I do not want to take that extra step and something I do not want to worry about.
    • I like that this system lets you place the knife into a vice, which allows you to use both hands to do something else. In essence, you can walk away and then return knowing the knife is ready to be worked on again. I big plus for me considering I am chasing children around the house sometimes.

    Summery of the above: VERY SHARP KNIFES, VERY LITTLE TIME


    I am not really a big “knife guy”, and I don’t own too many pocket knifes. More of a gun guy and know a thing or two about combat shooting.

    I am really into cooking and have a nice kitchen. Wine and cooking are my hobbies. I own a lot of decent kitchen knifes, mostly Henckels and Wusthofs, which get a lot of use. I hate working with dull knives because they are very unsafe and irritating. I can’t tell you how many times I have cut myself because I was using a dull knife, very annoying.

    Anyway, I thought it would be proper for a little introduction before I ask a stupid newbie question.




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    Marc H
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    Welcome Anthony…now you’ll like cutting yourself because it’s a very sharp knife We’re here to help.  Wicked Edge is everything you outlined above and more.

    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Welcome to the forum! There’s a lot of enjoyment that can come from using a nicely sharpened knife in the kitchen, that’s for sure. Before you know it, you’ll be scouring the house looking for another blade that needs sharpening just because it’s fun.

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    I’m also in the category of sharpening kitchen knives, for the most part, because I like to cook. I even used my wicked edge to put an edge on a knife that’s probably not supposed to have one – a little 1-piece carving knife that previously wouldn’t cut warm butter. I will say that having crazy sharp knives has made cooking faster and more fun, and just like Organic says, I’m actually digging through drawers to find more knives to sharpen. And, I bought a set of safety gloves for my girls to wear when they cut stuff while cooking with me (they’re 9 and 11).

    I’m doing a Wicked Edge infomercial night at my house in a couple of weeks, asking a few neighborhood buddies to bring over a dull knife and I’ll sharpen it for them. I’m going to meter my beer consumption until the sharpening is done. I’m in the Denver metro.

    I just got a package with the 800/1000 grit stones and am going to sharpen some knives tonight. I have been living with the 100/200 and 400/600, with great results. But I really wanted to get to the next level.

    I’ve been fortunate to have Clay and Kyle train me in person during a couple of sessions in Santa Fe. I’m not the brightest student, but I try hard.

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    Welcome to the forum, Anthony. You’ve just joined a very nice community in which people are always willing to help each other. So if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate.

    Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge

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    Welcome aboard!

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    Welcome! As a fellow Wicked Edge newbie, I can assure you that you’ll find a very friendly group who’s willing to help with any questions you may have. This has been an awesome learning resource for me in getting started.


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    Thanks fellas for the warm welcome.  I just sharpened my first knife.  A very badly damaged 20 year old Henckels kitchen knife I got as a gift.  I was actually going to toss it, but I know the steel is still decent.  I brought it to an extremely sharp edge, but I think I can do better with practice.  I might post some before and after photos.

    CJ, you’re right, it’s an addiction.  I think by the end of the month, I’ll be going through the house looking for butter knifes to sharpen.

    Bottom line is so far it’s living up to all the hype


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    Marc H
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    I just sharpened my first knife. 

    Just to let you know, if you aren’t already aware, the stones can take 6-8 knives, minimum, to get broken in.  Then your results will surely improve as you continue to gain experience and learn a technique that works well for you.


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    I just sharpened my first knife.

    Just to let you know, if you aren’t already aware, the stones can take 6-8 knives, minimum, to get broken in. Then your results will surely improve as you continue to gain experience and learn a technique that works well for you. MarcH

    Agreed. Before I ordered my Wicked Edge I had read about how the stones needed to be broken in, but I was kind of skeptical. If you think that first knife is sharp, just wait until you’ve done your 10th knife and then compare them side by side.  The improvement in overall polish and sharpness is astonishing and it continues to improve as you refine your technique and further break in the stones.

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    Welcome Coppiclan,

    You made the right decision, in my opinion, with the WEPS. I also was happy with the very first knife I did but when you get to 10, 20, 30……I know you will be ecstatic with the results. Any questions you may have or trouble you encounter with your sharpener and or knives the guys on this forum love to help and are willing to take the time to help. Most of the folks that have welcomed you have helped me immensely and some of them probably don’t even know it. You can learn a lot by reading thru threads and pick things up you may not have even though of.

    Welcome to the quest!

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