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Recent Forums Main Forum Knife Photos MULTIPLE PICS UPLOAD QUESTION ?

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  • #12494
    • Topics: 15
    • Replies: 113

    I have a question for the group…………..when I am trying to post pics, especially multiple pics on one post……….I can never seem to get more than one on there without having to go back and EDIT the post by attaching the other file.

    I am clicking on the ” add file ” button, then going into my pictures folder on my pc, selecting which one I want to add, clicking open on the dialogue attachment box as a jpeg………..and it doesn’t post the pic UNTIL I click on the Submit button…….at which time it will only post the one and last pic I selected for upload. That is when I am having to EDIT the post to add more than 1 picture.

    What am I doing wrong ????

    • Topics: 57
    • Replies: 1505

    I think some of the issues are related to the browser you’re using… if you’re using IE, you can try running it in Compatibilty Mode, and see if it works like it should. (You’ll know if you see an INSERT button after you add the file).

    At this point, I’m waiting to see if the forum upgrade solves some of the problems.

    • Topics: 15
    • Replies: 113

    thanks Curtis, I tried using Google Chrome instead of IE and had no issues loading multiple pics. 🙂

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