Maybe I should get some gloves?
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- This topic has 23 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 04/11/2015 at 5:58 pm by
Gib Curry.
10/14/2014 at 5:49 am #20850
So I was sharpening away on a kitchen knife after I reground it. I had already apexed the edge and was on the 600 grit stones removing the burr. I was doing edge leading passes down into the edge and, even though I have sharpened around 500 knives on the Wicked Edge without any major incidences, I must not have been careful about my ring finger on this particular occasion. Yeah, needless to say it was bleeding a LOT! It hurt so bad that I didn’t peel the flap up and clean it, we just immediately put cinnamon on it (which is anti bacterial) which clotted the blood a good bit, then lathered it up in salve, then covered it in gauze. Didn’t realize how bad it was until Sunday, only about 1/16″ holding my finger tip on or so! And no, I never thought about getting stitches lol, still don’t have any. This morning I put some new stuff on it which took the pain away – it’s called Manuka honey (taken from the tea tree) and It’s healing up good so far! This happened Saturday night.
– Josh
10/14/2014 at 6:01 am #20851Dude I feel your pain. :sick:
I thought you cut 2 fingers. Reading the post trying to figure out how that happened, to cut 2 at once. Then I looked back at the photos and realized the cut went all the way around. :pinch:
10/14/2014 at 6:02 am #20852I was wondering when someone would post up a picture like that! Owie! I had a close call last night. Easy to do. Lucky mine on the WE have only been warning shots so far! Ohhh..that reminds me..I need to watch your video you posted the other day.. Off to do that while I wait for wood to finish cuting on the router..
In my RC forum the inevitable also happens with props.
10/14/2014 at 8:30 am #20858Been there also.
i posted these several months back……now they have even more types…..i likem
Attachments:10/14/2014 at 8:31 am #20859i forgot
u can buy them many places also……
amazon, ebay, etc
10/14/2014 at 9:49 am #20861Jikes! That’s not good Josh. I wish you a speedy recovery!
After a similar accident some time ago, I also tried Kevlar gloves. Here’s my report: The chicken and the Kevlar glove[/url].
Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge
10/14/2014 at 11:11 am #20862I too must confess to having clipped the end of my ring finger, right hand about a year ago. Lucky for me, the damage wasn’t nearly as bad as for you, Josh. If you have to reach out to grab a perp on night shift, it’ll smart even more, and maybe take off the tip permanently. Judging by the color, that might happen anyway. You need to see a doc, for sure.
I was sharpening a 12″ High Mountain jerky knife, which means you have to reach quite a ways past the vise. The problem for me is letting that ring finger dangle. I forced myself to develop a habit of gripping the handles with all fingers. Every now and then I’ll realize that I’m slipping into the old habit and I have to force myself to straighten up and fly right. I also try to grip the handles below the edge of the blade when it’s possible (one position lower than normal). If you have the ring finger held against the handle, the pinky will take care of itself.
10/14/2014 at 5:28 pm #20864……we just immediately put cinnamon on it (which is anti bacterial) – it’s called Manuka honey (taken from the tea tree) and It’s healing up good so far! This happened Saturday night.
– Josh
You win, Josh. Holy crap….
I just finished a little slip-joint folder. Tested it. Started to close it, it twisted in my hand and snapped closed on the back of my thumb.
Blade made a nice ringing “clink” when it hit bone.
“They” say a cut from a sharp knife heals quicker….
Take care & be well.
For Now,Gib
"Everyday edge for the bevel headed"
"Things work out best for those who make the best out of the way things work out."
10/14/2014 at 6:23 pm #20865Yikes guys, sorry to see those!
10/14/2014 at 10:40 pm #20866Tuffy,
thanks for posting those pics!! I will definitely be getting some! do you use them when sharpening on the weps? how do you detect a burr?Mark,
your blog post was very helpful and informative… thank you! that meal at the end looks delicious, what is it called?Tom,
Yeah I have been babying it at work and not been real proactive! lol. But it is healing up great, I have all the color back in the tip and no more pain so far! I definitely will be re-training myself with regard to finger placement 🙂Gib,
ooooo that sounds bad… i hear knuckles are hard to heal up! I don’t know if mine hit bone or not, i’m guessing it didn’t (but it probably came close) or it would have stopped from going through so far.It’s your fault for making such a great sharpening machine clay!! lol jk it definitely got things sharp… and I was only on the 600 grit stone!
10/14/2014 at 11:15 pm #20868Tuffy,
thanks for posting those pics!! I will definitely be getting some! do you use them when sharpening on the weps? how do you detect a burr?
if burr is minor, i usually pop out my thumb and give it a spin to detect.
these are the gloves i bought in april getting ready for the summer fairs…………little different somehow…..they do fit nicer, not sure of the teck. differences.
i likem
.Attachments:10/15/2014 at 9:53 am #20869Josh:
I’m really happy that you’re healing up OK. Cuts that deep at the finger tip can quickly go bad. When I was about a month from getting discharged from the Navy (winter 1966), I caught my left index finger in the gear train of a UHF transceiver. The gear teeth had worn down and had turned to little razor blades, all lined up in a row. When I jiggled the gears, looking for the bad one, it broke free, pulling my finger in bone deep. Forty-nine years later, I still have scar tissue I can feel under the pad of that finger. About twenty years ago, the finger decided to take a right-hand turn and arthritis set in, big time. It began to hurt so much I thought about cutting it off. There’s a lot of nerves in your finger tips. Eventually, the arthritis decided to go elsewhere, and stopped growing in that finger. Now it’s my thumbs.
All of the pains I now have in my hands can be traced back to injuries which happened when I was young. Every time I see a football player with his fingers wrapped up up in tape, I cringe, thinking about what he’s gonna feel when he’s older. This one’s gonna stay with you for a long time.
If you’ve watched the photos I’ve posted here, you’ll see that I have big, thick hands and fingers. The hands are too fat to fit into XL gloves and the fingers are too short for XXL’s, which you probably can’t find in Kevlar anyway. So I’m stuck with minding my fingers. I’m more frightened of hooking my forearm as I return from a reach across the bench. Deep wounds there will usually sever nerves and tendons. Bad ju-ju.
Stay careful, my friend.
10/15/2014 at 10:27 am #20870that meal at the end looks delicious, what is it called?
I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s chicken in white wine. With a lot of bell pepper and rice. Real comfort food. Great when you’re wounded 😉 .
I hope you’re getting a bit better today again!
Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge
10/31/2014 at 12:24 am #21112Just as an update… This coming sat is 3 weeks. I have almost all feeling back in my finger tip now (light touch but I can definitely feel heavy touch). It doesn’t hurt at all unless I bump it directly on the main part where the cut used to be.
– Josh
10/31/2014 at 1:12 am #21113Hey! That looks really good. I told my sister-in-law (a doctor) about your home remedies and she looked as if someone stuck a lemon in her mouth. Her husband (my brother) studied Chinese medicine and acupuncture and he thought it sounded like it made sense.
I had what’s called a TIA (transient ischemic attack) about fifteen years ago. That’s a minor stroke that comes and goes. The upper right quadrant of my head went sort of numb. I could feel heavy touch, like scratching and such, but couldn’t feel very light touch. The neurologist told me that nerves transmit three kinds of signals – light touch, coarse touch and heat. I had lost only the light touch for that nerve that feeds back from that part of my head. An MRI showed that a tiny bit of plaque or a blood clot had lodged in the cortex. By about eight weeks later, the feeling had returned. Sounds like you’re going through the same healing process. Hopefully, it comes back completely. Good luck.
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