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Knifemaker using the Wicked Edge…

Recent Forums Main Forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies Knifemaker using the Wicked Edge…

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  • #4539
    • Topics: 57
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    Ran across this video of a new knifemaker using the WE…

    (It starts at 22:13 if the link doesn’t start you there automatically)

    They have a series of videos (haven’t watched them all) but did find this one interesting where he attempts to “endmill” the 15 deg. bevel… (starts about a minute in)

    From the notes it apparently doesn’t work, and I couldn’t find how they ultimately did it. (Maybe someone should introduce them to the 50g stones) :ohmy:

    Also noticed they were at Blade Show… maybe Clay ran into them there?

    Their knives look pretty cool, and the few videos I’ve watched are interesting… they experiment a lot and show what works and what doesn’t.

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