Lapping the Choseras was a breeze! It works quite well with the 1000 grit stones. As you show in the video, if you go slow, it is no problem at all. And even though I went slow, it actually did not take very long time. Fortunately the matrix binder is not too hard.
I was wondering whether it is also possible (well, useful) to lap the WEPS ceramic stones. They do not show a lot of wear yet, but maybe a little bit. And those stones do get dirty. Ajax or other any abrasive doesn’t really get them clean. Then again, the matrix binder in the WEPS ceramics seems very hard and I don’t know whether lapping the stones is useful or will even do harm to the stones.
I’m open to requests, BTW 🙂
Well… the stones’ name starts with and S and end on an N… It’d be great to be able to see how to use the high-grit ones: how many strokes, what pressure, etc. Since at 15K or even higher you are dealing with a very thin edge, I can imagine you should almost caress the edge with those stones. (On the other hand, you still do want to remove metal.)