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  • #47630
    Travis Johnston
    • Topics: 8
    • Replies: 21

    I was sharpening my Steel Will Cutjack and on the super fine ceramics i got to going a little too fast and that is the end of my pinky finger on the blade. A clean slice, didnt even feel it. Bled like a stuck hog.

    • Topics: 17
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    Ouch! I hope you have a rapid recovery.

    Marc H (Wicked Edge Expert Corner)
    • Topics: 83
    • Replies: 2772

    Ouch!!!,  I lost my tip of the left ring finger just like that.  It seemed like it bled for hours.

    I promised myself after that, that I would find a way to sharpen my knives safer.  Especially since I utilize, as you do, “edge leading strokes”.  Bringing the stone down and onto the sharp exposed knife edge makes us very susceptible to catching and cutting that tiny piece of finger left dangling out over the knife edge.

    I started trying and using various types and styles “cut free” gloves.  These worked with 100% success.  I never got cut using the gloves.  I found them to feel bulky and hot.  I was constantly removing the gloves to feel the knife edge for my sharpness progress.  Also I noticed that I still bumped my glove protected fingers across the sharpened edges.  I felt the impact every now and again and saw the slices of plasticized coating and weaved nomex  or kevlar showing the abrasion.

    I wanted a hard physical barrier that kept my fingers protected from the knife edge.  I started with crudely home made plastic shields I slide over the stones.

    As time went on I refined them for closeness and tighter fit to the stone sides and utilized thicker stiffer materials.

    Shortly after I made these, Wicked Edge added to their on-line store their version of the same concept.

    Wicked Edge Safety Shields

    I use the shields for every sharpening task until I use the strops.  Because these are only edge trailing; up and away strokes.

    Here is a view of the shields in sharpening placement:


    (MarcH's Rack-Its)

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    Travis Johnston
    • Topics: 8
    • Replies: 21

    just ordered from WE

    Travis Johnston
    • Topics: 8
    • Replies: 21

    she came out pretty 17 deg stropped at 15

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