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  • #54985
    Todd Forbes
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 4

    Hello everyone!  My name is Todd and I have been a on again / off again collector of knives for the last 14 years, various production models mostly, Bark River fixed blades with convex edge and Spyderco folders make up the majority of my collection at the moment and I have never been that good of a freehand sharpener. I did good keeping sharp convex grinds sharp with a strop but never was good at bringing a really dull one back, I have a Sharpmaker for my flat grinds but it took forever to reprofile even with the diamond rods.  If I had to give one reason for deciding to finally invest in a WEPS  after reading about them for years I would have to say it was CPM S110V, that steel just kicked my butt!
    I picked up a Pro Pack III a few days ago and have been breaking in my stones & learning on my old kitchen knives and after doing 5 of them I decided to try my ESEE Izulu II and this time try the 6 micron tape & 4/2 strop that came with it. I was amazed, I reprofiling it to 30 which took a little while but then quickly progressed through the stones and when I tried the 6 micron tape for the first time it quickly gave a mirror shine on that 1095, my first ever.  I am very impressed with the lapping tape, amazed at how well it worked and how quickly it was able to get that level of a finish, I’m going to pickup a pair of WE glass platens & variety pack of tape to play around with, also a extra coarse 50/80 stone as I have a lot of reprofiling to do with some very hard steels.

    I’m going to try sharpening a convex grind soon after a few more break-in & practice knives when I’m a little more comfortable with it, they  seem to be a little more challenging but I will read more about it  here first, I already learned a lot on this forum in just the few days I have been reading it, look forward to learning more,


    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 427

    Welcome to the WE family, Todd! I’m glad that everything is working well for you. I own a Pro Pack III as well.

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