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Hair Whittling and Atom Splitting

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  • #8147
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    Please give your tips for how to make your blades Tree-Topping sharp.


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    Related question. Can the WE get cheap steel tree topping, atom splitting sharp? By cheap I mean a steel that has no stamp on the blade or even spec on the supplier web site. It is very stainless, so it must be packed with 13+% Cr. Or does cheap steel have it’s limits?

    I guess my question is do super steels get sharper or just hold an edge better/longer?

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    I’ve found a definite limit with how keen I can make a knife with poor steel. I think I know just the kind of blade your talking about and my experience has been that once you get the edge fine enough, it basically becomes a permanent wire edge.


    Nicholas Angeja
    • Topics: 6
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    My “tricks” for getting and keeping a hair whittling edge is consistency. I cook for a living and the knives i’m referring to are for that purpose. They take a beating during everyday use, but they are cared for and respected as extensions of my hand. I track detailed accounts of my sharpening in terms of mounting settings, angle degree, grit progression, lowest grit ever used, and 400x pictures of the heel, belly, and tip of each knife before and after each sharpening.

    When sharpening I test the sharpness of an edge after .4 micron ceramic stones with a hair at several places along the edge to determine if its hair whittling from there I progress to 14um balsa where I stay till the entire edge is hair whittling sharp from heel to tip from left side to ride side. Then I progress to leather, nano cloth strops to .25 micron. I determine when to change grits using a microscope, making sure the scratch patterns are consistent and testing the edge with a hair.

    Then on a daily basis with general use I strop my knives on a blank leather strop or blank balsa strop at work depending on the condition of the knife. I have a two sided free hand strop that I’ve made which has cow leather on one side and balsa wood on the other side (basically a fine and course side). I found a huge change in the quality of an edge i could maintain this way.

    This works great for me, the effort I put in maintain my knives is minimum but I get the results I really don’t need in a kitchen environment. lets just say a few people have cut themselves by just “looking” at my knives:P I have mirrored bevels, insane edges, and it makes work so much more enjoyable.

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    My “tricks” for getting and keeping a hair whittling edge is consistency.

    Well said!!! :woohoo:

    David Hill
    • Topics: 4
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    I have never been able to get hair whittling, tree topping sharp. Razor sharp, yes…but never have whittled a hair. I raise a burr on both sides, then polish through the standard progression to 1000 diamonds, the super fine and microfine ceramics and finish with 5/3.5 balsa and 1/.5 cow leather. Mirror finish, will slice phone book paper and shave my arm, but no tree topping or hair whittling here. I have sharpened around 50 knives so I know my stones are broken in. I usually make about 100 sweeping passes with each stone/strop after raising a burr on my lowest grit only. I am very satisfied but always dream someday I could brag about whittling hair. 🙂


    Eamon Mc Gowan
    • Topics: 17
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    I can only tell you what will make a hair whittle for me? Work up a burr necessary with stone that is right for the progression. I do about 50 total passes with each grit up to 1000. It seems to help if I reset each stone with the angle cube? And making sure with a loupe I am getting to the edge of the edge.
    Once I get there I use my 14/10 balsa but only about 20 total passes. Then 5um w/roo total 20 passes. Also drop down 2 degrees with stropping. If I stop right there I can whittle the hair, if I go any further then the hair will just “pop”.
    Good luck and have fun! :cheer:

    Stephen Lynch
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    I’ve been sharpening everything I could find since getting my pro kit. I was able to get a dollar store Japanese Chef Knife to the point where I could slice paper effortlessly. I’m just so incredibly stoked about finally being able to sharpen knives to the point that I can shave with them. I have several other sharpening sets, but this one is just plain idiot proof. I love the stropping step. Thatgives the nice shiny mirror edge I’ve never been able to get before. Now I have to wait for my arm hair to grow back. after testing each knife I sharpened today, I managed to shave my arm from Wrist to elbow! lol. Great stuff!

    David Hill
    • Topics: 4
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    Thank you Eamon! I will give that a shot! Nice to know I don’t have to make so many passes. Oh, btw, I fixed my 0561 myself. It came out great! Thanks for the offer though. I really appreciate it.


    Eamon Mc Gowan
    • Topics: 17
    • Replies: 513

    Thank you Eamon! I will give that a shot! Nice to know I don’t have to make so many passes. Oh, btw, I fixed my 0561 myself. It came out great! Thanks for the offer though. I really appreciate it.


    Your very welcome!

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