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Dried Out Paste?

Recent Forums Main Forum Stropping Dried Out Paste?

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  • #24986
    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 21

    I’m starting to use the WEPs strops…3.5/5 micron.

    I applied the paste and used it when it was first applied. I’ve stored the leather strops in a freezer baggie like it has been recommended. I noticed today when I touched up a blade the paste is all dry, flaking, and falling off. I’m surmising there is enough saturated or impregnated into the leather that only the excess is coming off…is this a fair assumption?


    • Topics: 42
    • Replies: 461

    A little spritz on rubbing alcohol should help it soak back in with a little rubbing. It does sound like excess.

    • Topics: 38
    • Replies: 2098

    The strops may have dried out a little, but the diamond grit should still be there. A little alcohol or lanolin or a tiny dab of additional compound ought to revive them.

    Steven N. Bolin
    • Topics: 47
    • Replies: 456

    I’d recommend roughing up the surface with the pad of your index finger and a small torn off piece of 400 automotive sandpaper, or one of those green scrubbing sponge thingies you buy at the grocery store. Then spritz it with alcohol and wipe clean with paper towel(s). Repeat the spritzing and wiping process as many times as needed, or until no residue appears on the paper towel.

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