I know all of you know this absolute common sense thing, but please be careful when you are handling knives.
I sharpened a Kershaw with steel similar to Aus-8 which sharpens very well on the Wicked edge and is razor sharp. While I was flipping it out and closing it, I was talking to someone and NOT paying attention to the knife like I should have been. This was the one time I didn’t prefer a razor sharp knife, and in fact I was wishing it was a very dull knife. 🙂
Moral of the story and why I say especially be careful. I cut the tip of my thumb next to the nail and straight across, but because of where it is cut, I can’t sharpen or use many knives right now. I tend to be favoring my spring-assists and I am having to use my left hand which is a very “dumb” hand. Haha
Just a friendly reminder to please be careful so that you can continue sharpening your knives with the Wicked edge. Because just having to look at it is no bueno.