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Re: Touching up the factory edge on a Strider

Recent Forums Main Forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies Touching up the factory edge on a Strider Re: Touching up the factory edge on a Strider

Leo James Mitchell
  • Topics: 64
  • Replies: 687

First of all there is no reason to wait for experience to sharpen with the WEPS…even if you make a mistake, it can be easily repaired with little negative consequence to the knife. I can remember feeling the same way when I first got mine.Scary!:woohoo: Second, the paddles up to 600 grit that you have right now, will do a credible job putting an edge on your blade while you wait for the 800-1000’s, a little toothy but sharp as the dickens.Third, to sharpen or touch up an edge to best effect, it is best to first build an original edge with the WEPS from scratch. It will give you amazing results and remember when you do that first edge with the rig,try clamping the knife as per the book and then be sure to get the burrs up on each side with the diamond scratches completely reaching the edge again, as per the instruction book. BTW, the best paddle movement when first raising those burrs is an up and down scrubbing stroke along the whole edge. Once you have the burrs up, just proceed through the grits to the 600’s using the sweeping strokes and then you can do some polishing and edge refining with the ceramics and finally go through the strops too.
You will be pleasantly surprised with the keenness of the edge you can produce. The 800/1000 paddles will only take an already very sharp edge and make it frighteningly sharp!:ohmy:
Give it a go!

Best regards