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1500 Stone Confusion (2200, 3000)

Recent Forums Main Forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 1500 Stone Confusion (2200, 3000)

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  • #53605
    • Topics: 54
    • Replies: 149

    Had my first chance to work with my new 2200/3K stones today.  They were pretty chunky to start with, but after about 200 strokes per, they smoothed out enough for me to get some initial pics with the scope.  So here’s the confusing part…when compared with my 1500 stones, the scratches seem to fall in line with the expected progression of 1500>2200>3000, however with the naked eye, the 1500s show the start of a polish on the bevel, where the 2200/3000 stones are clearly not showing any polish at all.  My intention is to go 1500>2200>3000>9u LF>3u LF>then strops down to .5.  Now, I’m no sure where the 1500 fits in this.

    • Topics: 54
    • Replies: 149

    So, I spoke with WE this afternoon.  They told me that once the 2200/3000 stones are broken in, they should fall right in line with the 1500/glass platen stone that I have now.  As long as the 1500 stones have the green handle, with 1500 stamped on it, this should be the case.

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