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Re: Bent Vice????

  • Topics: 11
  • Replies: 177

snip…. The sequence as I understand it is, tighten the top screw snugly and then tighten the bottom screw very firmly. I believe when material like chamois, double-sided tape etc. are added to the mix, that the tightening instructions become even more important. … snip


Leo, a question and maybe a point.
From some of the videos, a seem to recall the first thing is to adjust the base/bottom to the width of the blade, I go ballpark and not tight, just retract the screw, slide the right side till it touches the spine (knife height may make you retract the screw further to clear), keep it in place and turn the bottom till it just touches and moves it away a fraction.
Then I go about the business of tightening the top, then snug the bottom.
Hope I’m doing it right 🙂

On the double sided tape .. are you snicking it to the vice along with exposing the other sticky side to touch the blade?
I’m a bit mixed on that one and hate getting it off.
Thus I usually default to some chamois, especially for flat grinds.