Sean replied to the topic How to sharpen the heel of knives with no sharpening choil? in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 1 month ago
Unfortunately, the finger choil is part of the blade and not the scale so this won’t do anything. But taking the knife apart does help with other knives (seems to help with Kershaw/ZT). Thank you anyway.
Sean replied to the topic How to sharpen the heel of knives with no sharpening choil? in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 1 month ago
Correct, unfortunately. I take a lot of my Kershaw/ZT knives apart to sharpen because the stone will hit the scale and that works well. But with Spyderco, a lot still have issues because the actual blade has extra thickness either from the pivot or the finger choil.
Sean replied to the topic How to sharpen the heel of knives with no sharpening choil? in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 1 month ago
Apologies Marc! My auto-correct on my phone apparently prefers to spell your name with a K.
Sean replied to the topic Winkler/Dynamis (Double Edge) Knife in the forum Tips for Specific Knife Grinds and Styles 4 years, 1 month ago
Hello and welcome. I recently sharpened my Benchmade Mini Infidel OTF Dagger with a chisel grind in my WE130. I clamped the knife exactly on the mid-line and sharpened half of the blade at a time. Then when I went through my full progression and finished, I flipped it over, mounted it exactly as high on the other side and repeated the process. It…[Read more]
Sean replied to the topic How to sharpen the heel of knives with no sharpening choil? in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 1 month ago
Mark, thank you for the thorough reply as always. I am still figuring out the best methods for finding specific information on this forum. I have the ability to add a choil with my files, but I would prefer to leave the blade shape factory. I wasn’t sure if WE or someone on here sold a set of rods (pointed or rounded) to reach into that…[Read more]
Sean started the topic How to sharpen the heel of knives with no sharpening choil? in the forum Main Forum 4 years, 1 month ago
Hi, pretty new to WE sharpening ~ 40 knives on my WE130. My issue is that I cannot reach the heel of knives with no sharpening choil. This is especially evident when working up to 3000 grit, 1.4 and 0.6 micron ceramic, and 4 and 2 micron diamond emulsion. I get an excellent mirror polish on the entire blade except the heel because the stone…[Read more]
Sean started the topic Rubber Boots for Ball Joints? in the forum MODS 4 years, 1 month ago
This has been discussed countless times but all links users have posted are now defunct. Can someone post a link of the rubber dust boots that work? I have the Pro Pack III with WE130 if that matters. Thanks.
Sean became a registered member 4 years, 1 month ago