2 questions real quick… 1. Are you using the sharpie trick to make sure you are matching the existing angle and 2.are you raising a burr at the lower levels before advancing the stone progression? We should be able to help you out more after we get these answers 🙂
Wow, lots of help out their Thank You All. In response to the questions. I haven’t used a sharpie with the WE especially on the knife I was working on because it didn’t have much of an edge.
I do raise a burr.
Yes my stones travel more than 1/2 way.
I do not alternate every stroke.
I check sharpness with paper before I start, as I progress, and when I am done, and just by touching the blade, on one knife I tried whittling hair through the entire process just to see at what point it would or if I could even get to that point which I didn’t. I sharpen on a Tormek so I have some experience but wanted to do a better job on some knives so I am trying the WE.
Thanks Again…