MIKE replied to the topic Need some advice from the pros in the forum Main Forum 3 years, 10 months ago
Real Japanese steel requires whetstones and the angles aren’t really conducive to the WE. I got Shapton Glass stone set in grits 500-2000-4000-8000. I have sharpened White#2 Blue #2 Hap40 AS and VG-10 all of which diamond stones will only scratch. If you have the money get the WE130 so that you have the latest and greatest.
MIKE replied to the topic Newby get good good results with Shun/Chris Reeve in the forum Cooking 3 years, 11 months ago
I wouldn’t put the Shuns on the WE. Just get Shapton Glass 1000 and 4000 as well as a strop kit with 1 and .5 micron abrasives and your Shuns will be better than new. I wouldn’t put that CRK anywhere near the WE until your stones are well broken in. You can spend a half day developing your stroke on a slab of steel or else sharpen every beater you…[Read more]
MIKE replied to the topic Japanese High Carbon in the forum Cooking 3 years, 11 months ago
I am new to Japanese knives. After acquiring a set of 5 for a tad less than $1700 I was a little upset that my $1500+ WE system would destroy these blades. I have everything from Blue #2 to HAP40 steels which is 65 on the Rockwell scale. Thank goodness I did my research first. I went out and bought a Shapton Glass set 500-1000-4000-8000 and a…
MIKE replied to the topic I Can't Sharpen Knives: A Cry For Help in the forum Suggestion Box 3 years, 11 months ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Let this be a lesson to you… buy it cheap buy it twice. Wicked Edge is idiot proof. I am a living example of that. I have $1600 invested in my system. You don’t need all this crap. For day to day sharpening of EDC you can get away with 600grit stones and the lowest tier system. If you have a hundo burning a hole in…[Read more]
MIKE replied to the topic Talk me into a 130 in the forum Welcome Mat 4 years, 5 months ago
Thank you for your thoughts. I guess I will be holding off a month and going straight to the 130. I do have some Gransfors Bruks hatchets but I don’t need to shave with them so I think the 130 should meet all my needs. Thanks for talking me into it. I figured I would go this route. I just needed a little incentive.
MIKE started the topic Talk me into a 130 in the forum Welcome Mat 4 years, 5 months ago
Hi guys first post here. After much research I have decided that the WE is the right platform for me. I will be sharpening only a handful of knives a year. I assume once I get good I will do this for my friends too. I am an engineer and have the skillset to properly setup a device if it has the capability to be set properly. I am not in too much…[Read more]
MIKE became a registered member 4 years, 5 months ago