David N
David N replied to the topic WE66 or Generation 4 Pro? in the forum Main Forum 2 months ago
Lee, you expressed concern about your workshop being 1.5 degrees different from one side to the other. I’m not sure if you’re talking about the room you work in or some other type of sharpening system (Worksharp?). If you’re actually concerned about your workshop, that’s not going to make any difference. All that matters is the angle adjustments…[Read more]
David N replied to the topic Can’t sharpen small knives. Example- Case mini trapper in the forum Main Forum 2 months ago
I know I’m responding to an old thread but I just joined the forum, it was top of the list, and relevant to me. Just thought I’d drop my experience here in case it’s useful to the OP or anyone else. I bought a WE Pro Gen 4 directly from WE with the LAA. It arrived yesterday. I’ve spent a couple hours with it and sharpened 4 knives (counting the…[Read more]
David N became a registered member 2 months ago