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WTS: used 1200/1600 Ceramics & Curved Ceramics

Recent Forums Main Forum Pass Around and Buy / Sell / Trade Want to Sell WTS: used 1200/1600 Ceramics & Curved Ceramics

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  • #5139
    • Topics: 89
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    Hey guys… Am wanting to sell a couple of used sets of stones I have laying around so I can upgrade to some choseras. First off I have a used set of the old school 1200/1600 ceramics (the ones WE no longer sells. They probably have about 75% life left in them (only sharpened about 20-25 knives on them – rough estimate). I also have a set of the old school curved ceramics that are used for sharpening re-curved knives (They perform identically and look identical to the 1200/1600 grit ceramic set – I see no difference. They definitely don’t feel or look like the 400-800 grit range). These have probably 90-95% life in them, have hardly used them. Both sets have been lapped and flattened. I am asking $45 for the regular ceramics and $55 for the curved ceramics. Shipping & Handling fee is $5/set. I am only offering these here for the first few days. Thanks!


    Ken Buzbee
    • Topics: 14
    • Replies: 393

    PM sent, Josh.


    • Topics: 89
    • Replies: 1672

    Curved ceramics sold to Ken. Still have the regular ceramics…

    PS. they work great as a go between from the 1k diamonds to the 14um strops! Forgot to mention… I modified the paddles on the regular ceramics so you can get all the way to the heel of a knife. On the normal paddles, the plastic edge on the paddles gets in the way when doing knives like Spyderco’s. Now they work great!

    Ken Buzbee
    • Topics: 14
    • Replies: 393

    I modified the paddles on the regular ceramics so you can get all the way to the heel of a knife. On the normal paddles, the plastic edge on the paddles gets in the way when doing knives like Spyderco’s. Now they work great!

    Interesting Josh. I have that issue with the ceramics. What did you do? Remove some of the plastic? What did you use? I hadn’t thought about doing that. Great idea.


    • Topics: 89
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    I actually used my belt sander and knocked the shoulders off… if you send me yours I’ll touch em up quick for you free of charge (just include return shipping =)). I imagine it would take FOREVER to do it any other way, lol.

    • Topics: 123
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    They probably have about 75% life left in them (only sharpened about 20-25 knives on them – rough estimate)

    My .02 – if they have only done 20-25 knives then they have a LOT more life in them than 75%. I’m using the same set I’ve had for years and they’re still going strong.


    • Topics: 89
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    Ah, ok. Thanks for the input Clay. I have only lapped them once since they were dishing a little. Thanks!

    Jerrie Barber
    • Topics: 3
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    When you get a minute to tell me how to up load pictures, let me know about the ceramics. I would like to have them. Just give me a price.


    • Topics: 89
    • Replies: 1672

    The second set of ceramics are sold. Thanks Jerrie!

    Clay, you can lock/remove this thread if you wish… thank-you

    Dennis Gocong
    • Topics: 0
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    Are the normal ceramics still available? I’ll take them if they are.

    Please let me know how you would like to take payment.


    Wayne Nicklin
    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 39

    Contact Steven Pinson, he had a brand new unused set for sale

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