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what stones

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  • #5924
    matthew basalla
    • Topics: 1
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    ive been doing alot of searching with no clear answer i have the basic it up to 600 n was wanting to know everything i need to get razor sharp blades so i can place one order thanks

    Tom Whittington
    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 159

    Well, the 600 grit gives a fantastic edge once the stones have broken in a fair amount, but I know what you mean 🙂

    The Pro Pack adds the 800/1000 grit diamond stones and a set of strops, so that’s a good starting point. Many people suggest and swear by the ceramic stones also, which are 1200/1600 for the Superfine while the Micro Fine set are stated in microns much like strop compound. As a Pro Pack owner myself I’ve found that the stones wear in very well and my biggest issue is that between the 1000 grit and 5um diamond paste strop is a big jump, so it’s not really possible to get a mirror finish without a lot of work on the strops. It might be worth pondering getting more than one set of strops right away if you want to bridge that gap and save some time polishing.

    From there the sky is the limit really, you can start adding waterstones and finer strops on kangaroo and nanocloth as you go if you want to keep expanding your kit!

    Wayne Nicklin
    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 39

    This is going to sound odd coming from me but judging from how many times you have posted I would have to guess your new to the system that’s great and we need more people to post their thoughts and experiences. I would first develope your technique and that means recommending the 800/1000 diamond plates and the super fine micro ceramics. Then get into stropping using balsa with the various pastes. Only after that I would venture out into the abyss. I personally use Chosera stones the majority f the time but I’ve sharpened about 400 kitchen knives so far. I’ve made tons of mistakes but all recoverable and that’s part of e learning curve and fun. There are tons of posting here on the site and use this as valuable resource for learning and sharing.

    Mad musing of a West Coast Edge Grinder

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