Welcome to the Wicked Edge forum, The Dutchman, GJHM28.
Kindly accept my constructive criticism:
I see from your photos provided that you have inserted a large diameter washer between the hexed thumb wheel jam lock and the rubber dust boot. You have positioned the hex nut side of the jam wheel so it is oriented inward towards the extra washer. The washer must compress the rubber dust boot in order to lock the micro-angle adjuster securely.
I submit to you that by eliminating this extra washer, moving the dust boot up out of the way and reversing the hexed thumb wheel, it will work better. That would position the large diameter flat side of the jam wheel inward to directly contact against the mini L bracket. You will still have the same desired functionality it appears you were seeking by using the extra washer in your setup.
You will gain more micro-angle adjustment range from the additional exposed threads you’ll gain by eliminating the washers and moving the compressible rubber boot up out of the way. This is done by cutting an upside-down “U” shape notch in the boot skirt. You’ll have easier and unobstructed access to the exposed hex nut, with it facing outward. This in turn allows easier access to use a wrench on the hex nut to hold or lock the jam wheel. The jam wheel can also be held in place with a wrench while inserting a hex tool into the ball end screw’s hexed inset end. Then you can hold the adjustment position while locking the jam wheel simultaneously. I think my suggestion would be a simpler setup with better functionality.

When working with digital angle cubes, especially models that are very precise and sensitive, the ability to hold the adjuster screw’s position while locking that position tightly is very helpful

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