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  • #9750
    • Topics: 57
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    Is there a way to search, or add the capability to search, the Database by author? I’ve tried and get 0 returns.

    Be a good incentive to be able to record your results and then do a quick search to have available. 🙂

    • Topics: 123
    • Replies: 2940

    Is there a way to search, or add the capability to search, the Database by author? I’ve tried and get 0 returns.

    Be a good incentive to be able to record your results and then do a quick search to have available. 🙂

    Checking with webmaster…


    • Topics: 25
    • Replies: 524

    Thanks Curtis for bringing this up. I have tried many, many times and gotten zero by author. It seems to me you can’ search anything unless it’s in the knife name. I.e. “154” for 154 cm steel turned up zero results.

    Tom Whittington
    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 159

    Good idea, I’ve lost count of my submissions since I got my hat but I think I’ve got another handful on there since then. I’m going to have to keep closer track because I want to shoot for some roo strops in the future 🙂

    More search fields would be great just because accessibility in search is always a plus in my opinion. Steel type, usage, blade length immediately spring to mind as things I would likely utilize in searches.

    • Topics: 57
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    I think Geocyclist is right, you can’t search for anything other than the make. I did find a bit of a workaround… if you go to the bottom left of the page, and select “all” so it displays all the listings, you can then use the search in your browser to find what you want..

    Not the best way, but it’s something. 🙂

    • Topics: 179
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    Good idea! Maybe also time to repeat the incentives Clay offered for adding knives to the database? (Forgot what they were, but I’d like to walk around at the next knife show with a Wicked Edge cap. How many knife specs do I still have to upload, Clay? 😉 )

    Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge

    • Topics: 123
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    Here is the link for the incentives: Database Incentives
    Also bumping that thread. At the moment, you need to look through the list and count how many you’ve submitted and let me know. We’re working on another system that will actually give you credits in the store automatically, but it’s not ready yet so we had to do it the old fashioned way.


    • Topics: 57
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    The Knife Database is now searchable by User. 🙂

    Sweeeeet! 🙂 Works great!

    (Thought I’d add the good news to this thread.)

    It looks like you can actually search by anything… for example I tried “EDC” and it worked.

    Thank you!

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