Hello all, This is my first real make over attempt on a knife. It is a fairly inexpensive water rescue knife that a friend at the fire department had and was going to get rid of because it was dull and most of it was serrated, so I told him I could use it for a project and try something new with the WEPS. Here are some pictures.
My progression was all the diamond paddles,followed by 5u and 3.5u strops, then 1u and .5u strops at 22 degrees per side, then I put on a micro bevel with the 1k diamonds at 24 degrees and stropped that about 20 passes with the .5ucbn. It created a nicely polished super toothy edge that will hopefully last a while even though the grade of steel isnt that impressive. 😉
The first two pictures are of the knife before I did anything to it:

This is the knife after 30 min with the 100 grit paddles:

And Finally the finished product.