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Problems stropping flexible knives .. any ideas?

Recent Forums Main Forum Stropping Problems stropping flexible knives .. any ideas?

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  • #735
    • Topics: 11
    • Replies: 177

    I’m having a but of a hard time stropping flexible knives, like filets and long carvers.
    Seems that they enjoy shaving or nipping the strops every now and again no matter how light I try to go, and I always stick to an up and away motion, and even shorten the strokes and work in sections but still, the flex somehow takes a nip here and there.

    Even used the support rod, helps, but still get a dig.

    I’m thinking of just running the coarse through the Ceramics @1600 and leave it there. Still sharp as all heck and have a nice shine, but not that polish.

    Any thoughts? Anyone else have this problem or just need to perfect my technique?

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    Yeah I have taken a few gouges out of my strops as well, and not on very flexible knives. My problem is that I am not fully extending the strops off the edge or tip before starting to draw them back.

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