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Private Messages…another suggestion

Recent Forums Main Forum Suggestion Box Private Messages…another suggestion

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  • #263
    Leo James Mitchell
    • Topics: 64
    • Replies: 687

    Hi Clay
    The messages are working well. What would make it even better would be if when one is posted for a member, that an e-mail be sent to notify along with the message…like it happens on the Knife Forum.
    Hope this helps!

    Best regards

    • Topics: 123
    • Replies: 2940

    Hi Clay
    The messages are working well. What would make it even better would be if when one is posted for a member, that an e-mail be sent to notify along with the message…like it happens on the Knife Forum.
    Hope this helps!

    Best regards

    That’s a good suggestion and would be really helpful. I’ll forward it along to the webmaster. Thank you!


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