This came up in discussion the other day on ways to avoid having the stones travel to far down the rod and scratch(possibly destroying 👿 ) the blade face. The solution was an adjustable locking collar to prevent over travel when sharpening.
Here’s what I found at the hardware store for around $1.50. A 1/4″ nylon collar 1″ long and a nylon screw. I drilled a hole then used a regular screw of same thread to tap the hole then threaded the nylon in. Done & good! B)
Credit to victorf & MontanaEdge for sharing the idea. It was so simple a solution I had to test it out. It is worth mentioning how much I love the little rubber bushing that I found somewhere lying around the garage(seems Montana & I have similar scavenging styles :)) It adds a nice little bit of cushioned bounce when you bottom out…Aloha