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  • #504
    John Herron
    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 39

    Don’t have much to say I do Like the videos… This is what I do,, its an old form or custom paint.
    Its youtube stuff hope this works :cheer:
    I have a lot to learn… Just made my order Thx Jdee

    Leo James Mitchell
    • Topics: 64
    • Replies: 687

    Welcome aboard John! The video was very well done. Look forward to perhaps seeing a video using your new WEPS. :woohoo:

    Best regards

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    Welcome from another Floridian.

    John Herron
    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 39

    I will for sure make some videos,
    Don’t have any real nice blades yet just a few to learn on.
    My Razor needs help. I hope to be using it again soon.
    Thanks Jdee

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    Jdee, I’ve used my WE to refurbish some vintage razors that were in really bad shape. Clay has a video on YouTube showing how it’s done.

    John Herron
    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 39

    Yes I seen that Video, I will need to order some extra stones I guess.
    I ordered the Pro Package plus the Ceramics and extra course stones. I will most likely need the fine
    water stones if I start doing many Razors.
    Thanks Jdee

    Jende Industries
    • Topics: 14
    • Replies: 342

    Yes I seen that Video, I will need to order some extra stones I guess.
    I ordered the Pro Package plus the Ceramics and extra course stones. I will most likely need the fine
    water stones if I start doing many Razors.
    Thanks Jdee

    Welcome, Jdee!

    You’ll definitely want the water stones for your straight razors. Diamonds are great form making the foundation – the 600 WEPS should be more than enough, but I recommend the finer diamonds for setting a good bevel. I also highly recommend the 400 or 600 Chosera for cleaning the blade up after the diamonds, then a 1-2-3-5-10 Chosera progression followed by some .5 or .25 micron diamond spray on the leather, followed by the clean strops.

    Some guys do use all diamonds, so you can also use the Wicked Edge pastes on the paddles, but I’m of the opinion you should go as high as you can on stones/plates before hitting the strops.

    I don’t know how experienced a sharpener you are, but razors require NO pressure at all – ever and you do not build a burr (yet it still needs to be sharp!). Good luck and enjoy your journey – it’s just begun!

    John Herron
    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 39

    Once I get the hang of of the system I will be adding all the goodies…
    I just mentioned ordering the system to a friend yesterday and have my first job:P
    Thanks for the welcome all… Jdee

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    Heh, amazing how that works, isn’t it?

    “Hey, I have a sharpener!”
    “Well hey, I have this old knife…”

    John Herron
    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 39

    Yeah I’m thinking for my own hobby stuff:woohoo: , now I gotta work 😆
    Great friends though, got some real nice blades for the kitchen
    Said they have a hard time sharpening with the normal gizmos and
    can tell that their knives are out of wack.
    I hope I can help them and learn.. I,ll be back bugging you all once
    I get set up.
    Thanks Jdee

    Jende Industries
    • Topics: 14
    • Replies: 342

    I think you’ll find it almost too easy with the WEPS B) Just read the instruction manual, and start sharpening! I suggest using the highest degree notch to begin – you don’t want the kitchen knives to kill your friends right away, and there may be some serious work that needs to be done. The higher angle will speed things up, and you can always lower the angles progressively (they will be bringing them back!)

    John Herron
    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 39

    Thats funny, I was talking to my friend about how many folks have know Idea what Sharpe is.
    I found out when I stated shaving with a Straight razor :woohoo:
    I’ll go easy on them 👿

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