A small portion of the sky. A glimpse of the immensity of the universe. Be sure to click to enlarge the image . . .and remember, you are looking at many, many galaxies.
Thanks for posting! It is good to get some perspective on things once in awhile. Also when you are looking remember, you may be looking at only one of the many universes with billions of galaxies…if you follow the latest ideas in Cosmology. Many universes and 11 dimensions!!! Life used to be so simple!
I am older than you mate, because I remember beyond that to when the flat world rested on the back of a huge turtle. LOL!
The great scientist/mathematician Bertrand Russell was giving a public seminar once and he was interrupted by a woman from the audience.
“All that stuff you’re spouting is so much nonsense! The world is not round; it is flat and rests on the back of a huge turtle.” she said. Russell politely asked her, “Then what madame does the turtle rest on?” To which she replied quickly with a triumphal look on her face,” Turtles all the way down!!!” ROTFLMAO!
If you are Winston Churchill you can say almost anything and people will quote you. I never understood what people have against dangling a participle on occasion! LOL!